Digital Learning Planning

Sun Associates has worked with many schools to face the challenge of updating or rewriting their multi-year technology/digital learning plans. While most schools have achieved adequate levels of connectivity and networking infrastructure, many still struggle to articulate a compelling vision for how their students will benefit from the technology that has been made available. Moreover, understanding and agreeing upon the process by which vision becomes reality presents challenges at every level. Sun Associates helps technology planning clients meet these challenges.

See our webinarsblog, and free resources for more assistance in developing a strategic digital learning plan in your school or district.

Based in careful needs assessment and individualized program evaluation, Sun Associates works with schools and districts to set goals, create structures, and build supports aimed at turning planning into practice—with identifiable results. With an eye toward helping districts achieve state technology planning benchmarks (e.g., the STaR Chart indicators, 21st Century Learning Objectives, etc.) we value and make use of input from a wide range of stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, and students themselves.

While every plan is unique, all have the following characteristics:

  • The plan is based on a vision that emphasizes student learning outcomes and the role that technology can play in helping students and teachers reach that vision.
  • The plan builds upon detailed data about the current status of technology efforts within the district.
  • The plan is focused on the achievement of instructional objectives and the support of transformed pedagogies, with technology playing a supporting role in meeting those objectives.
  • The plan provides rich detail on the staffing, professional development, and technology infrastructure supports necessary to achieve the plan's overarching vision.

We believe the plans we help produce are but interim products of a process that brings together educational communities in a highly collaborative, reflective process. Ultimately, it is the process of planning that is as significant to the district as the actual plan document. A properly executed planning process is one that allows district communities to come to consensus around important issues of teaching and learning...and the technology necessary to address those issues.

Recent technology planning clients include:

Contact us for information on how Sun Associates can assist your school or district with its strategic technology planning needs.