Example Project Goals and Related Indicators
We've created this example project indicator matrix to demonstrate how you can map project goals to indicators and then identify data that will be collected to support assessment of the indicators. A matrix similar to this is at the heart of most project evaluation efforts that we design and implement.
In actual implementation (i.e., not this fabricated example) a project that utilizes such a matrix might be a simple classroom-based activity that has been developed as a "proof of concept" or pilot project for using technology to support student learning around a particular curriculum standard. The key features of this example are the project description (describing the intent of the project), the curriculum standard supported (in this case, an NCTM standard, but this could just as well be a local standard or any number of state/national standards), and then the goals/indicator/data mapped to different areas of impact and investigation (e.g., student impact, teacher action, and technology involved). Note that this matrix supports the evaluation of the project as it is implemented. This is not a "rubric" for assessing student work or the development of student skills. While such student assessments might constitute data that is used in the project evaluation, it would be up to the teacher(s) implementing this project to create those assessments.
Most educators familiar with curriculum activity planning could easily modify this example to fit their own specific project evaluation needs. For your convenience, you can download a PDF version of this example and a blank matrix table.
Project Description: 4th and 5th grade students will use interactive software on a classroom set of 6 iPads to manipulate (unfold) 3D shapes in order to improve their understanding of basic geometric concepts.
Software: Solids Elementary HD -- https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/solids-elementary-hd/id501650786?mt=8
NCTM Content Standard: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships. (http://www.nctm.org/Standards-and-Positions/Principles-and-Standards/Geometry/ )
Project Goals |
Indicator (related to this area) |
Data to be Collected |
Individually and in small groups, students explore and engage actively with mathematical concepts through manipulation of the interactive geometric models. End of unit teacher-created assessments indicate that students have mastered the curriculum concepts associated with this unit. |
Teachers will:
Teachers facilitate student use of Solids Elementary HD on a classroom set of 6 iPads to establish and conduct a highly differentiated student-centered learning experience for students attempting to meet the grade 4/5 NCTM Geometry standard. |
Students and teachers will have reliable and convenient access to the hardware and software resources necessary to complete this curriculum activity. |
Students and teachers are able to reliably access the set of 6 classroom iPads and related software (Solids Elementary HD) in order to accomplish this curriculum activity. Users (students and teachers) report that they were able to successfully log into the devices and start the requisite application in a timely/time-efficient manner at the start of the classroom activity. There are no reported hardware, software, or network “glitches” that delay or hinder use of the iPads/software for this activity. |